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2ND & 3RD JUNE 2023

Canal Café Theatre

A nonsensical exploration of those gloriously illogical, hard to explain fears and insecurities that make us who we are. 

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Fear is all around us. From the daily dread, to the strange phobias, to the existential terror - we’ve all got something that keeps us up at night. 


Whether you’re constantly panicking that you’re a bad person, fretting that the strange wobbly feeling is in fact an earthquake or wondering why that pigeon is plotting against you… it’s all quite laughable really.  Which is why, naturally, The Makers Theatre made a show about it. 


Devised using the lived experiences of our cast, creatives and those close to us, PHOBE AND THE CURE FOR LONELINESS is a nonsensical exploration of those gloriously illogical, hard to explain fears and insecurities that make us who we are. 


Featuring original music, ridiculous choreography, (possibly a banana) and a rubber duck. What more could you want? Come along and discover the cure for loneliness. Maybe. We’re still devising it.

The Makers Theatre presents


devised by and starring...


Luana Carneiro

Lucy Chamberlain

Niamh Walsh


with additional material and direction by

James J. Larbow | Lauren Lucy Cook

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